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Highways, Byways, And Bridge Photography

A Photo Tour Of The United States
Presidents Through Twin Cities
Area City Street Signs

Introduction Many cities use a naming scheme for city streets in order to make the street arrangement easier to remember. Minneapolis has a number of segments where street names are in alphabetical order. In other areas, names of trees and famous generals are used. One that interests me is the series of streets named after US Presidents in northeast Minneapolis. Here is a photo tour of those street signs.

President Washington Street Sign President Adams Street Sign President Jefferson Street Sign
George Washington
Downtown Minneapolis
John Adams
Northeast Minneapolis
Thomas Jefferson
Northeast Minneapolis
President Madison Street Sign President Monroe Street Sign President Adams Street Sign
James Madison
Northeast Minneapolis
James Monroe
Northeast Minneapolis.
John Quincy Adams
Northeast Minneapolis.
President Jackson Street Sign President Van Buren Street Sign President Harrison Street Sign
Andrew Jackson
Northeast Minneapolis.
Martin Van Buren
Northeast Minneapolis.
William Henry Harrison
Northeast Minneapolis.
President Tyler Street Sign President Polk Street Sign President Taylor Street Sign
John Tyler
Northeast Minneapolis.
James Knox Polk
Northeast Minneapolis.
Zachary Taylor
Northeast Minneapolis.
President Fillmore Street Sign President Pierce Street Sign President Buchanan Street Sign
Millard Fillmore
Northeast Minneapolis.
Franklin Pierce
Northeast Minneapolis.
James Buchanan
Northeast Minneapolis.
President Lincoln Street Sign President Johnson Street Sign President Grant Street Sign
Abraham Lincoln
Northeast Minneapolis.
Andrew Johnson
Northeast Minneapolis.
Ulysses Simpson Grant
Northeast Minneapolis.
President Hayes Street Sign President Garfield Street Sign President Arthur Street Sign
Rutherford Birchard Hayes
Northeast Minneapolis.
James Abram Garfield
Northeast Minneapolis.
Chester Alan Arthur
Northeast Minneapolis.
President Cleveland Street Sign President Harrison Street Sign President Cleveland Street Sign
Grover Cleveland
Northeast Minneapolis.
Benjamin Harrison
Northeast Minneapolis.
Grover Cleveland
Northeast Minneapolis.
President McKinley Street Sign President Roosevelt Street Sign President Taft Street Sign
William McKinley
Northeast Minneapolis.
Theodore Roosevelt
Northeast Minneapolis.
William Howard Taft
Northeast Minneapolis.
President Wilson Street Sign President Harding Street Sign President Coolidge Street Sign
Woodrow Wilson
Northeast Minneapolis.
Warren Gamaliel Harding
Northeast Minneapolis.
Calvin Coolidge
Northeast Minneapolis.
President Hoover Street Sign President Roosevelt Street Sign President Truman Street Sign
Herbert Clark Hoover
Northeast Minneapolis.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Northeast Minneapolis.
Harry S. Truman
Northfield, MN.
President Eisenhower Street Sign President Kennedy Street Sign President Johnson Street Sign
Dwight David Eisenhower
Northfield, MN.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Northeast Minneapolis.
Lyndon Baines Johnson
Bloomington, MN.
President Nixon Street Sign President Ford Street Sign President Carter Street Sign
Richard Milhous Nixon
Watertown, MN.
Gerald Rudolph Ford
Southwest Saint Paul.
James Earl Carter Jr.
Northwest Saint Paul.
President Reagan Street Sign President Bush Street Sign President Clinton Street Sign
Ronald Wilson Reagan
No Sign In Minnesota.
George Herbert Walker Bush
Bloomington, MN.
William Jefferson Clinton
Northeast Minneapolis.
President Bush Street Sign 2008 President-Elect Street Sign
George Walker Bush
Bloomington, MN.
Barack Hussein Obama
No Sign In Minnesota.

Note that not all Presidents have streets named after them in the twin cities metro area. Also, some street names are duplicated between cities. The Ford Parkway sign is actually named for the Ford Motor Company assembly plant, but it works well in this case for Gerald Ford. Clinton Ave certainly predates President Clinton's election victory in 1992. East Bush Lake Road and West Bush Lake Road are two different roads that each run north and south on opposite sides of Bush Lake in west Bloomington. I picked the east road for George HW Bush since he has the home in Maine, while I picked the west road for George W Bush since he has the ranch in Waco. President Reagan appears not to be honored with a street name anywhere within a reasonable drive of Minneapolis.

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