The Blackberry Bridge is one of the 13 concrete girder bridges of the 16
highway bridges between and including Brainerd to Grand Rapids. This one
is located in a very scenic area, as are all the bridges in this section
of the Mississippi River. For travelers heading south, this is the last
Mississippi River crossing before a stretch of about 50 miles of
wilderness where there are no main highways, and even the Great River
Road is mostly unpaved.
The bridge itself is a very typical concrete girder bridge. It has three
sets of piers. The piers use the tubular steel pilings construction.
Each pier has a slanted pile at each end to add side to side stability.
The center pier has two slanted piles on each end, set at angles to each
other. This pier gives the bridge additional stability along its long axis.
This bridge replaced a 1927 era bridge that was located on a different
highway alignment. The big clue to the location of the old bridge is
a side road named "Old Bridge Road".
The photo above is a view of the river crossing from the northeast corner
of the structure. The photo below is a view looking west down the length
of the bridge deck. The photo at the top of the page is a view from the
river level northeast of the structure.
The photo above is the bridge plate. The photo below is the guide sign
with the river and bridge names.